common wart on hand
Picture of Plantar Wart on Feet

What is a Wart and How to Treat it?

Warts are a common viral infection caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). They can appear anywhere on the body, but are most commonly found on the hands, fingers, and feet. Warts are particularly common in children, with an estimated 10% to 20% of children developing warts at some point in their childhood.

Causes of Warts:

The virus that causes warts is easily spread from person to person through skin-to-skin contact or by touching contaminated surfaces. Children can catch warts by coming into contact with other children in the classroom, sharing personal items such as towels, socks, or shoes, touching contaminated surfaces like doorknobs, desks, or toys, and walking barefoot in moist environments like public showers, swimming pools, or locker rooms.

Symptoms of Warts:

While warts are generally harmless and can go away on their own, they can be unsightly or cause discomfort. In addition to causing physical symptoms, warts can also have a psychological impact, especially in children who may be self-conscious about their appearance.

Treatment Options for Warts:

There are many treatment options available for warts, including over-the-counter remedies, prescription medications, and medical procedures. WartSTICK® is a trusted over-the-counter wart removal solution containing salicylic acid that works by breaking down the infected skin cells. With proper use, WartSTICK® can discreetly and effectively remove warts.

Prevention of Warts:

Prevention is key when it comes to managing warts in children. Encourage good hygiene practices, such as washing hands regularly and avoiding touching the face, and make sure your child wears shoes or sandals in public places like pools or showers. By taking these steps, you can help reduce the risk of your child catching warts and prevent the spread of the virus to others.

When to See a Healthcare Professional:

If you have concerns about your child’s warts, speak with a healthcare professional for advice and guidance. Remember, while warts are a common viral infection, they can be effectively managed and treated with the right care and attention.

Discover the causes, symptoms, and treatment options for warts with WartSTICK®, a trusted over-the-counter wart removal solution. Learn tips for preventing the spread of warts in children, including good hygiene practices and wearing shoes in public places. If you have concerns about your child’s warts, speak with a healthcare professional for guidance.

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