Recognizing Warts: Common and Plantar Wart Characteristics

Recognizing Warts: Common and Plantar Warts

Warts are a common skin condition caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV), which infects the top layer of skin. According to the American Academy of Dermatology Association, an estimated 7% to 10% of people in the United States have warts. Warts can appear anywhere on the body but are most commonly found on the hands, fingers, and feet.

Common warts, also known as verrucae vulgaris, typically appear as raised, flesh-colored or gray-brown bumps with a rough, hyperkeratotic surface that may resemble a cauliflower. They may have black dots, which are clotted blood vessels visible on or just below the surface. Common warts are usually one centimeter or less in size and may be few in number or become numerous. Plantar warts, or verrucae plantaris, appear as flat, thickened areas on the soles of the feet. They may cluster together to form a mosaic pattern and are often pressed into the bottom surface of the foot by walking. Plantar warts may also have small black dots visible when the superficial layers are removed.

Effective Wart Treatment with WartSTICK®

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical and Aesthetic Dermatology, over-the-counter wart treatments like WartStick® can be effective in managing and treating warts. WartStick® contains salicylic acid, which works by dissolving the keratin protein that makes up warts. It is easy to apply and has been shown to be a discreet and effective wart treatment option.

Preventing Warts

While warts are typically harmless and may go away on their own, they can be unsightly or cause discomfort. Preventing the spread of warts is important. It is recommended to avoid touching warts, especially for children who may pick at them. Covering the wart with a bandage can be helpful to discourage touching. Nail biting should also be discouraged to prevent warts around the nail bed.

Consult with a Healthcare Provider

If you have concerns about a bump on your skin, consult with a healthcare provider for proper diagnosis and treatment options.


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