WartStick® product image

Remove Common and Plantar Warts with WartStick®

  • WartSTICK® contains the maximum strength of the FDA-approved active ingredient, salicylic acid (liquids 17% vs WartSTICK® 40%).
  • Easy to use unique solid stick formula.
  • Painless application, unlike freezing which can cause discomfort.

Successfully Used by Millions for Over 50 Years

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

WartStick® is specifically designed for removing common and plantar warts. It should not be used on flat or genital warts. For more information, please refer to our terms and conditions of use and always consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns regarding your condition.

For more helpful tips and updates, like us on Facebook. We love to hear success stories from our customers about how WartStick® helped them get rid of their warts.

Please refer to our Terms and Conditions of Use, and always consult your healthcare provider if you have any concerns regarding your condition.

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